Everything I need.

From an idea, to a sketch, to a paper mock up, to our first physical product, to our second, to our third...every phase has been full of excitement, frustration, learning, and overall reassurance that we are not just making any old bag. We created something that I didn’t even realize was missing in my life until I wore one of our early models for the first time traveling to my bachelorette party in Wisconsin in October of 2018. 

I was anxious. Spending a weekend with the women I love most celebrating the impending marriage to a guy I was sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with should have made me feel nothing but joy. But I had seen my fair share of bachelorette parties. I hate being the center of attention. I hate asking friends to shell out bookoo bucks at my expense.  I had friends from every walk of life, most of whom didn’t know each other, many of whom were managing infants and toddlers.   

Turns out, the weekend was perfect. My anxiety was for naught - as anxiety almost always is.  It was a perfect fall weekend. I was surrounded by the women I love, we ate great food, we relaxed, we shot skeet, we laughed.  A lot.  All my badass lady friends got along swimmingly.  It was simple, low frills, and everything I needed. 

Simple, no frills, and everything I need.  That’s what my Holdst does for me too.  When I was running late through the airport, I wasn’t rummaging through a purse or removing a backpack in order to access my things.  I had my phone, charger, ear buds, kindle, chapstick, wallet, boarding pass and keys all by my side the entire trip. When I landed in Milwaukee and began seeing my girls, I was hands free. I could move freely and hug all of them without having to reposition my purse or worry where I set it down. I was unencumbered and ready for anything.  When we went shooting - not gonna lie - it looked lumberjack chic AF.  When it was time to leave that amazing weekend and fly back home, I didn’t worry about leaving anything behind. All my valuables were right where I left them.  I threw on my Holdst, said my teary goodbyes, and took another hassle free trip home.  


Simple. No frills.  Everything I need. #Holdstlife